


Elucid - Property Management

Elucid - Property Management

Elucid - Property Management

Elucid - Property Management

Elucid - Property Management

Elucid - Property Management

Welcome to Elucid, a web service designed to empower landlords in efficiently managing their properties. In this project, we will explore the journey of understanding the needs of landlords, the design challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to create a user-friendly platform.

Welcome to Elucid, a web service designed to empower landlords in efficiently managing their properties. In this project, we will explore the journey of understanding the needs of landlords, the design challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to create a user-friendly platform.

Welcome to Elucid, a web service designed to empower landlords in efficiently managing their properties. In this project, we will explore the journey of understanding the needs of landlords, the design challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to create a user-friendly platform.

Welcome to Elucid, a web service designed to empower landlords in efficiently managing their properties. In this project, we will explore the journey of understanding the needs of landlords, the design challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to create a user-friendly platform.

Welcome to Elucid, a web service designed to empower landlords in efficiently managing their properties. In this project, we will explore the journey of understanding the needs of landlords, the design challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to create a user-friendly platform.

Welcome to Elucid, a web service designed to empower landlords in efficiently managing their properties. In this project, we will explore the journey of understanding the needs of landlords, the design challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to create a user-friendly platform.

Nov - Dec 2021


Lead Designer


Nov - Dec 2021


Lead Designer




Landlords often face challenges in managing multiple properties, from handling rental agreements to keeping track of maintenance requests. The need for a centralized, easy-to-use platform became evident as landlords struggled with manual record-keeping and communication gaps.

Landlords often face challenges in managing multiple properties, from handling rental agreements to keeping track of maintenance requests. The need for a centralized, easy-to-use platform became evident as landlords struggled with manual record-keeping and communication gaps.

User Research

User Research

To address these challenges, we conducted extensive user interviews with landlords of varying property portfolios. We identified pain points such as time-consuming paperwork, difficulty in tracking rental payments, and communication hurdles with tenants.

To address these challenges, we conducted extensive user interviews with landlords of varying property portfolios. We identified pain points such as time-consuming paperwork, difficulty in tracking rental payments, and communication hurdles with tenants.




Simplify Property Management

Create an intuitive interface to simplify the management of multiple properties.


Simplify Property Management

Create an intuitive interface to simplify the management of multiple properties.


Simplify Property Management

Create an intuitive interface to simplify the management of multiple properties.


Automate Processes

Implement automation features for rent payment reminders, lease renewals, and maintenance requests.


Automate Processes

Implement automation features for rent payment reminders, lease renewals, and maintenance requests.


Automate Processes

Implement automation features for rent payment reminders, lease renewals, and maintenance requests.


Enhance Communication

Facilitate seamless communication between landlords and tenants.


Enhance Communication

Facilitate seamless communication between landlords and tenants.


Enhance Communication

Facilitate seamless communication between landlords and tenants.




Dashboard for Property Overview

The dashboard provides landlords with an at-a-glance view of all their properties. Key information, such as upcoming lease renewals, pending maintenance requests, and rent payment status, is easily accessible.


Dashboard for Property Overview

The dashboard provides landlords with an at-a-glance view of all their properties. Key information, such as upcoming lease renewals, pending maintenance requests, and rent payment status, is easily accessible.


Dashboard for Property Overview

The dashboard provides landlords with an at-a-glance view of all their properties. Key information, such as upcoming lease renewals, pending maintenance requests, and rent payment status, is easily accessible.


Automated Reminders

Elucid automates rent payment reminders, reducing the workload for landlords. Tenants receive timely notifications, contributing to on-time payments


Automated Reminders

Elucid automates rent payment reminders, reducing the workload for landlords. Tenants receive timely notifications, contributing to on-time payments


Automated Reminders

Elucid automates rent payment reminders, reducing the workload for landlords. Tenants receive timely notifications, contributing to on-time payments


Communication Hub

The platform features a centralized communication hub, allowing landlords and tenants to exchange messages, request maintenance, and share essential documents securely


Communication Hub

The platform features a centralized communication hub, allowing landlords and tenants to exchange messages, request maintenance, and share essential documents securely


Communication Hub

The platform features a centralized communication hub, allowing landlords and tenants to exchange messages, request maintenance, and share essential documents securely





In conclusion, ProLandlord is not just a property management tool; it's a solution that addresses the pain points of landlords, providing a seamless experience in managing their property portfolios. The iterative design process, informed by user feedback, has resulted in a platform that truly empowers landlords in their day-to-day operations.

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